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1,000 Yearly Traveler

More than 1,000 yearly traveler are booking through us.

15,000+ Yearly Transfers

We are the largest Airport Transfer service provider in Cairo.

Ranked #1 on TripAdvisor

We are the #1 Top Transportation and Tourism company in Egypt on TripAdvisor.

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لقد تم تصنيفنا في المرتبة الأولى على موقع TRIPADVISOR

تم تصنيفنا في المرتبة الأولى بين مقدمي خدمات النقل في مصر على موقع TripAdvisor ، انقر هنا لقراءة المزيد من التقييمات.

star rating  They transfer my bag from Cairo airport to my home in Alexandria safe in good condition. The driver Ahmed Aly is very clever and kind

September 25, 2021

star rating  Egypt Ride to Airport - The quiet car ride and the careful driving on the streets of Egpyt. I rode to he airport with the driver being Hohamed Imam who was respected and kind throughout... read more

January 14, 2023

star rating  Thank you so much for everything. Highly recommend. The lady was very helpful and tge driving

Mariana P
November 1, 2021

Our Car Types

Discover Cairo & Luxor 05 days 4 nights

Discover all the ancient archaeological sites in Cairo and the architectural artifacts…

625,00$ 618,75$ /person
